End of Life Ceremony

For details of ‘How to Plan your Own Fabulous Funeral, see below

When we lose a loved one, we are often at a loss as to how to prepare for the final ceremony in their life.  Strong emotions and grief can leave us powerless to take any action and then we are left with feelings of regret that we could have done more.  This is where I can help.

A service to suit your needs, crafted with sensitivity and compassion

What can I offer?

Whether you and your loved one would like a grand sending off in a crematorium, or a simple scattering of ashes after a Direct Cremation, a party at home/function room, or even a living wake, a service to suit your needs can be crafted with sensitivity and compassion.

There are many heart-felt scripts available but sometimes, when in the midst of grief, these can be difficult to explore and navigate to find the right one.  During our consultation, I will assess your needs, discuss with you the best readings and together we will create a beautiful ceremony, perfect for your dearly departed and guests at the service. I would aim to contact you within 24hrs of your appointment of a Funeral Director.

Crematorium/burial service: A final goodbye service is held in the crematorium with all your loved ones, family and friends and I will create a service based on your loved ones life and times, including family events, amusing stories and anecdotes, weaving in any features that impacted your lives that are poignant, sincere, sentimental or amusing. If a burial is to follow, I will attend here also.

Direct cremation:  This is becoming increasingly popular with rising cremation fees and elderly people that perhaps do not have many friends or family left to attend.  No-one is present at the actual cremation, however this gives you a wonderful opportunity to really honour your loved one with a private ceremony in a private venue such as your own home, a hotel/village hall or a place they perhaps liked to visit (the forest, sea, garden) and the option of scattering ashes, again weaving in any features that are important to you.  I will meet you at your special venue and conduct a service fitting and crafted to your personal choices.

Scattering of ashes:  This could be a combination of either of the above options, where you can opt for a full cremation service or a direct cremation followed by a scattering of ashes at a venue of your choice.  This can follow at a later date (days, weeks or even years after the cremation). Please note: some districts may charge a fee or prohibit scatterings in certain areas.

Pet ceremonies also available. When we lose a beloved companion of many years, it can be hard to let them go. They are like one of the family, always waiting for you by the door, or curled up on your lap. Saying goodbye to your pet can be made special with a burial ceremony.

Please note, the sourcing of hearses, flowers, catering, registration of death is not part of the celebrant service but please do ask for guidance.

How to plan your own

Fabulous Funeral

If you fail to plan for your funeral, you may just get the Yin Tong song!

The sad fact of life is that one day it is all going to come to an end.  No-one, not even the Queen can escape this fact (unless of course you are Bill Gates and are planning to be frozen and brought back to life at a later date)!

Your funeral is your Swan Song.

A good send off is SO important.  On a spiritual level that collective energy can help release a soul to the place we go next and on a physical and emotional level, it starts the grieving process for your loved ones and marks the end of perhaps 70, 80, 90+ years on planet earth.  Now that is worth talking about isn’t it?  Each one of you matters.

A life on earth is a special thing.  From conception, which is a miracle in itself to the day we take our last breath is an epic journey, one we all make, so let’s talk about the end bit. 

It doesn’t have to be scary, or mean you are tempting fate.  It can be fun, thought-provoking, creative and extremely useful. A lot of us have Life Insurance, which we take out and then file away in a drawer somewhere - planning a funeral is a similar concept.  

Why would we want to do this?

Your funeral is your very last chance to have your say, to choose something just for you and give your loved ones something meaningful to remember you by.

It also takes the strain and stress off your relatives when it comes to them having to plan a funeral for someone else (the number of times I have been told that they wouldn’t have known where to start without me!)

Funerals these days can become very complicated, with so much choice it is easy to become lost in the options. Not to mention the expense and financial planning that comes alongside it.

How many of you have planned it – right down to the music you would like played to the colours you would like worn by your loved ones?

There are so many options now.  Did you know that you actually don’t have to employ the services of a FD?  You can do all the preparation yourself, however I wouldn’t recommend this, which is why FD’s are such a respected profession.  Not many of us would have the guts to deal with that side of things or the mental acuity when it comes to your loved one. 

Did you know you don’t have to hold the service in a crematorium or church?  Choices such as a village hall, a hotel, your own garden are available.

You can keep your loved one at home in their coffin up until the funeral (a given in some countries), you don’t have to have a hearse – you can use your Grandson ‘s clapped out old van if you want to personalise your service even more.

You don’t have to have boutique flowers – you can use flowers from your own garden, or supermarket flowers if cost is an issue for you.  If it’s not, the sky is the limit.  My Mum absolutely loves her garden, so why would we not use flowers that she has grown herself and that she loves so well?

You may have paid funeral plans arranged by your chosen Funeral Director, but do they know what you want to happen at your funeral service – the words you would like said, the poems, readings, the tributes?  Does your family, nearest and dearest know?  Probably not.

 I can help with all of these things.  The service I offer is to either arrange a small group (max 8) to discuss plans in further detail.  This is obviously an open forum where ideas are shared and inspiration flows.

Alternatively, I do offer a 1:1 service, which is private, between us, if that is more your preference.

 £45 per person for group sessions

£75 for 1:1

More thoughts:

Do you have someone in mind to officiate at your funeral? Who would you like to read your eulogy?

Do you have a funeral director in mind?

What sort of funeral would you like?  Cremation with service; direct cremation, burial?

Have you made your Will/Trust.  Tied up the legal matters?

Would you like a Living Wake? (For people diagnosed with a terminal illness)

Do you want to leave a ‘Last Letter’ or video for your loved ones?

Would you like donations to a charity?

Would you like/not like flowers?


Pricing from £250

Costs include an initial meet-up to discuss the creation of a bespoke ceremony, eulogy and funeral procedure that fits the nature of your dearly departed. Please note places of worship or religious venues, such as churches usually have their own procedures.

  • I will then draft the ceremony and eulogy for your approval.

  • I will liaise with other officials, such as Funeral Directors and Crematorium Managers and staff that you have booked with.

  • A 2nd meet-up to discuss final arrangements, if required .

  • Attend and officiate at ceremony.

  • Meet and greet your friends and family outside and stay to talk and listen with open ears and a warm heart.

If I have officiated at the cremation service, the fee for ceremonial scattering of ashes is £150, and will include a reading/poem, discussed and approved by you beforehand.

The fee for the scattering of ashes as a full service is £250.

Miscellaneous Costs:

Travel expenses:  There are no travel expenses within a 20 mile radius of Landford (SP5).  Travel beyond 20 miles incurs the standard 45p per mile. I am prepared to travel within the UK and agree flight, hotel/B&B costs with you prior to travel. It would be appreciated that my invoice is paid in full at least 2 weeks prior to your event.